2022.06.05 / 22:28

SquirrelMail - ´Ù¶÷Áã ¸ÞÀÏ

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What is SquirrelMail?

SquirrelMail is a standards-based webmail package written in PHP. It includes built-in pure PHP support for the IMAP and SMTP protocols, and all pages render in pure HTML 4.0 (with no JavaScript required) for maximum compatibility across browsers. It has very few requirements and is very easy to configure and install. SquirrelMail has all the functionality you would want from an email client, including strong MIME support, address books, and folder manipulation.

Project origins

The need arose in our organization for the access of email and address books from anywhere in the world. Obviously a web interface is ideal for this, given that the user has access to the Internet. After reviewing several open source projects we realized that we were going to need to do some fairly major customizations to get things to be a nice fit for our needs. So the decision was made to create our own for some of these reasons, and for fun (we really like PHP). We decided to open source the project to contribute to the community that has contributed so much to us.
More SquirrelMail history


SquirrelMail is stable enough to use in a production system. It is, in fact, already used in several production systems around the world, handling thousands of users per system. There might be some bugs - no project is perfect - but they are most likely minimal. We test pretty thoroughly before releasing a version marked as "stable".
More about scalability


SquirrelMail is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), so there are no license fees to worry about.
More about the license

ANNOUNCE: PHP 8 Compatibility
Oct 15, 2021 by Paul Lesniewski

 The nightly snapshots for versions 1.4.23 and 1.5.2 found on our download page include compatibility for the newest versions of PHP 8. We encourage all SquirrelMail administrators to use a recent snapshot of either version and as always, let us know if there are any fixes, additions or changes you think SquirrelMail would benefit from.

ANNOUNCE: PHP 5.4 & 5.5 Compatibility
May 29, 2013 by Paul Lesniewski

 PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5 compatibility fixes are live in our nightly snapshots, and we strongly encourage those who'd like to help test or those who are having problems with version 1.4.22 to download a snapshot and report any problems.

ANNOUNCE: PHP 5.4 Compatibility
Dec 01, 2012 by Paul Lesniewski

 With the recent release of PHP version 5.4, some community members have helped identify some small issues which we've fixed and made available in our daily snapshot packages located on our downloads page. Especially if you use the Mail Fetch plugin and want to upgrade to PHP 5.4, you should download one of our snapshot packages.

UPDATE:If you are running SquirrelMail under PHP 5.4, please help test and refine the patches found here. There is one patch for each of the two SquirrelMail SVN snapshot versions available on our downloads page.

NEWS: SquirrelMail Nominated For SourceForge Project Of The Month
Aug 06, 2012 by Paul Lesniewski

 It's been nine and a half years since SquirrelMail was the SourceForge Project Of The Month, and we have again been nominated for that privilege. We're up against some really great software, so if you'd like to vote, see http://twtpoll.com/lsm1vk
Update: SquirrelMail took third place by a narrow margin, which is very respectable considering the quality projects that were nominated. Thanks to those who voted and congratulations to PeaZip!

ANNOUNCE: SquirrelMail 1.4.22 Released
Jul 12, 2011 by Paul Lesniewski

 The SquirrelMail Team is pleased to announce the release of SquirrelMail version 1.4.22. This release contains a large number of performance enhancements, stability fixes and a few bug/security fixes.

The most important thing to note when upgrading to version 1.4.22 is that due to a fix made that standardizes the folder list display, administrators who had their configuration file set to work around this issue in the past will need to update their configuration. This will commonly affect those using Courier IMAP, but could affect others as well.

If you have $default_sub_of_inbox set to FALSE in your main configuration (or, using the configuration tool, see "3. Folder Defaults" ===> "12. Default Sub. of INBOX"), and you find after upgrade that your special folders (e.g., Trash, Drafts, Sent) are no longer listed at the top of your folder list, please change that value to TRUE.

Also, if you find that this upgrade prevents users from logging in with an error such as "ERROR: Could not complete request. Query: CREATE "Trash" Reason Given: Invalid mailbox name.", you will need to correct the user preference values for the problem folders. You can do so with commands such as the following for file-based preferences (adjust the data directory location as needed):

   find /var/lib/squirrelmail/data/ -name *.pref -exec sed --in-place 's/trash_folder=Trash/trash_folder=INBOX.Trash/g' {} \;
   find /var/lib/squirrelmail/data/ -name *.pref -exec sed --in-place 's/draft_folder=Drafts/draft_folder=INBOX.Drafts/g' {} \;
   find /var/lib/squirrelmail/data/ -name *.pref -exec sed --in-place 's/sent_folder=Sent/sent_folder=INBOX.Sent/g' {} \;

Or, for database-based preferences:

   UPDATE userprefs SET prefval = 'INBOX.Trash' WHERE prefkey = 'trash_folder' AND prefval = 'Trash';
   UPDATE userprefs SET prefval = 'INBOX.Drafts' WHERE prefkey = 'draft_folder' AND prefval = 'Drafts';
   UPDATE userprefs SET prefval = 'INBOX.Sent' WHERE prefkey = 'sent_folder' AND prefval = 'Sent';

MAKE SURE to back up your user preferences before doing any of the above!

This release also addresses several security issues, including some harsh but hard to exploit XSS bugs, a general clickjacking vulnerability, and a small problem with message sanitizing.

If only for the clickjacking protection, we recommend that users of previous versions of SquirrelMail upgrade at their earliest convenience.

For more complete details, see the ReleaseNotes and ChangeLog files included in this release (in the doc/ directory).

NEWS: SquirrelMail makes another Hollywood appearance
Nov 16, 2010 by Paul Lesniewski

 SquirrelMail once again hits the big screen, this time making two cameos in "The Social Network". SquirrelMail was spotted in use by Mark Zuckerberg's and Sean Parker's characters. So far, no one has contacted us regarding our cut of the box office. ;-)

quirrelMail Downloads

Several different packages are available for download on this page including a few different versions of SquirrelMail WebmailSquirrelMail IMAP Proxy, and packages that facilitate presenting SquirrelMail Webmail to your users in many different languages. You are also welcome to browse our code repository.

SquirrelMail Webmail

The "stable version" is our official stable release to which only bugfixes and minor feature improvements are made. When applicable, we may also offer a "stable release candidate", which is a preview of our next "stable version" that we'd like you to try out and provide feedback on.

The "development version" is more experimental and is at times under heavy development and released periodically for testing. We make every effort to make the "development version" as stable as possible, but we don't normally recommend using it in production. If you, for some reason, want to download an older version of SquirrelMail it can be found at our SourceForge.net project page.

"Snapshots" are packages that are built once a day directly from our source code repository. You can use these to obtain the very latest code we have available for either our stable or development version (for example, when you need some recent fix or improvement that we've made that is not yet available in our official release packages).

Finally, we also provide commands you can use to access our repository to download up-to-the-minute source code. These Subversion (svn) commands are most commonly used from a Linux-like command line interface. If you don't know what to do with these commands, you should ask for help before using them.
While you wait for your download, PLEASE consider helping us achieve our next goals by donating to SquirrelMail.
Stable version
Version: 1.4.22
squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22.tar.gz (320728 d/l) [md5] [sha1] [gpg]
squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22.tar.bz2 (45124 d/l) [md5] [sha1] [gpg]
squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22.zip (273531 d/l) [md5] [sha1] [gpg]
Development version

The development version is unavailable or outdated.
See snapshot below instead.
Stable version snapshots (1.4.23-svn)
squirrelmail-20220605_0200-SVN.stable.tar.bz2 (564kb) (0 d/l) [md5] [sha1]
squirrelmail-20220605_0200-SVN.stable.tar.gz (708kb) (0 d/l) [md5] [sha1]
Development version snapshots (1.5.2-svn)
squirrelmail-20220605_0200-SVN.devel.tar.gz (1,328kb) (1 d/l) [md5] [sha1]
squirrelmail-20220605_0200-SVN.devel.tar.bz2 (1,144kb) (0 d/l) [md5] [sha1]
Stable version Subversion source code repository access
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/squirrelmail/code/branches/SM-1_4-STABLE/squirrelmail
Development version Subversion source code repository access
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/squirrelmail/code/trunk/squirrelmail

SquirrelMail IMAP Proxy

We offer a "stable" release of our IMAP Proxy software, as well as "snapshot" packages that are built once a day directly from our source code repository. We recommend using the "stable" release in normal production and using "snapshots" to test our latest code changes, for examnple, if they contain a recent fix for an issue you may be experiencing.

We also provide a command you can use to access our repository to download up-to-the-minute source code. This Subversion (svn) command is most commonly used from a Linux-like command line interface. If you don't know what to do with this command, you should ask for help before using it.
While you wait for your download, PLEASE consider helping us achieve our next goals by donating to SquirrelMail.
Stable version
Version: 1.2.7
squirrelmail-imap_proxy-1.2.7.tar.gz (38846 d/l) [md5] [sha1] [gpg]
squirrelmail-imap_proxy-1.2.7.tar.bz2 (19875 d/l) [md5] [sha1] [gpg]
squirrelmail-imap_proxy-1.2.7.zip (34353 d/l) [md5] [sha1] [gpg]
Snapshots (1.2.8-svn)
squirrelmail-20220605_0200-SVN.imap_proxy.tar.gz (146kb) (0 d/l) [md5] [sha1]
squirrelmail-20220605_0200-SVN.imap_proxy.tar.bz2 (118kb) (0 d/l) [md5] [sha1]
Subversion source code repository access
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/squirrelmail/code/trunk/imap_proxy

SquirrelMail Webmail Translations

The packages below contain all the language translations that are supported by the SquirrelMail Webmail release with the same version number. If you would like to download separate language translations, links are provided to single language packages.

Translations for older versions of SquirrelMail Webmail can be found at our SourceForge.net project page. The packages listed below can generally be used with newer versions of SquirrelMail Webmail, but you can also obtain our latest translations by downloading a "snapshot" package, which is compiled once a day from all the translations in our code repository.
While you wait for your download, PLEASE consider helping us achieve our next goals by donating to SquirrelMail.
Stable version
Version: 1.4.18-20090526

all_locales-1.4.18-20090526.tar.gz (50834 d/l) [md5]
all_locales-1.4.18-20090526.tar.bz2 (28359 d/l) [md5]
all_locales-1.4.18-20090526.zip (31665 d/l) [md5]
translations packed per language [md5] [sha1]
Development version
Version: 1.5.1-20060409

all_locales-1.5.1-20060409.tar.gz (33218 d/l) [md5]
all_locales-1.5.1-20060409.tar.bz2 (23623 d/l) [md5]
all_locales-1.5.1-20060409.zip (26410 d/l) [md5]
translations packed per language [md5] [sha1]
Translation snapshots (all locales, all versions)
squirrelmail-20220605_0200-SVN.locales.tar.gz (7,789kb) (0 d/l)
squirrelmail-20220605_0200-SVN.locales.tar.bz2 (5,231kb) (0 d/l)

Extra Decoding Library

SquirrelMail Webmail decoding functions are used to display and convert messages encoded in different character sets. This extra decoding library provides additional support for some complex Eastern and Apple x-mac character sets.
While you wait for your download, PLEASE consider helping us achieve our next goals by donating to SquirrelMail.
Version: 1.2

squirrelmail-decode-1.2.tar.gz (30363 d/l)
squirrelmail-decode-1.2.tar.bz2 (22483 d/l)
squirrelmail-decode-1.2.zip (23691 d/l)
[md5sums] [sha1sums]

Third Party Packages

These SquirrelMail packages are issued by third party organizations. Bugs in them should primarily be reported to the organization issuing the package.
While you wait for your download, PLEASE consider helping us achieve our next goals by donating to SquirrelMail.
Debian and Ubuntu

The Debian packages
The Ubuntu packages
More information about the Debian packages
The Debian developer information for SquirrelMail
Red Hat, Fedora, Mandriva, SuSE, ASPLinux, and other RPM packages

Use the search engine at Rpmfind. Try searching for "squirrelmail%" if you want to see the translation RPMs as well.